Python Certifications to Consider

Certifications in IT are very common across subjects, including Python, although its an open-source language. Based on what is expected in the market, python certifications are still looked out for by companies, especially in the IT Services industry.

From Beginner to Advanced, these top Python certifications will help you demonstrate your skills and stand out.

Python Certifications:

1. Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer (PCEP):

  • This certificate is for beginners and tests basic concepts like Basic Syntax, Logic Structure, Data Types, Variables, Control Statements, Functions, Debugging, etc.

  • Prerequisites: None

  • Suitable for: Beginners, students, and those new to Python.

  • Demonstrates: Fundamental understanding of Python programming concepts.

The Certification along with preparations, and formats can be referred to on the Python Institute Website.

2. Certified Associate Python Programmer (PCAP):

  • Prerequisites: PCEP certification or equivalent experience.

  • Covers: Modules, Packages, pip, generators, closures, File Processing, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts, Exceptions, and Data Structures.

  • Suitable for: Intermediate developers looking to enhance their skills.

  • Demonstrates: Practical programming skills and problem-solving abilities.

The Certification along with preparations and formats can be referred to on the Python Institute Website.

3. Certified Professional in Python Programming 1 (PCPP 1):

  • Prerequisites: PCAP certification or equivalent experience. Experience because Hands-On experience is very important to know some concepts inorder to clear the exam.

  • Covers: Advanced OOP concepts, Best Practices (PEP), GUI programming, Network Programming, File processing & Communications.

  • Suitable for: Experienced developers looking to advance their careers.

  • Demonstrates: In-depth knowledge of Python programming and related technologies.

The Certification along with preparations and formats can be referred to on the Python Institute Website.

4. Certified Professional in Python Programming 2 (PCPP 2):

  • Prerequisites: PCPP 1 certification or equivalent experience.

  • Covers: Testing principles and techniques (unittest and pytest frameworks), Design Patterns, Interprocess communication (multiprocessing, threading, subprocess management, multiprocess synchronization), Network Programming (Python socket module and socket programming, automating complex network configurations, software-defined networking, network security), Python-SQL and Python-NoSQL database access (relational and non-relational databases, CRUD, object-relational mapping: ORM), and the principles of clean code design, and maintenance and optimization of software products.

  • Suitable for: Senior developers and team leads looking to showcase expertise.

  • Demonstrates: Mastery of advanced Python concepts and ability to lead projects & a high level of expertise in advanced Python programming concepts, and extensive experience in the entire lifecycle of the software design and development processes.

The Certification along with preparations and formats can be referred to on the Python Institute Website.

5. Certified Expert in Python Programming (CEPP):

  • Candidates who complete the OpenEDG Python Institute general Programming certification program which includes PCAP, and PCPP (both 1 and 2) exams is known as the OpenEDG Python Institute Certified Expert in Python Programming (CEPP). This is widely recognized as having tremendous value in one’s Python career & demonstrates expertise in Python programming with mastery of related technologies.

  • Suitable for: Experienced developers looking to demonstrate expertise and thought leadership.

Certifications for Testing in Python:

Certified Associate Tester with Python (PCAT):

  • Covers: Principles of Software Testing, Fundamentals of Unit Testing, Principles of Software Engineering, Software decomposition, Test-Driven and Behavior-Driven Development (TDD, BDD) approaches to programming.

  • Demonstrates: Proficiency in software testing and engineering using a range of Python tools, including the ability to design, develop, and refactor multi-module computer programs in accordance with the Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) programming approaches, Testing-coding conventions, Best practices, and Recognized Software Engineering and Software Testing Principles such as DRY, KISS, and F.I.R.S.T, Types of Software Testing, Test Pyramid, Test Automation, Unit Tests, and more.

The Certification along with preparations and formats can be referred to on the Python Institute Website.

Certifications for Data Analytics in Python:

Certified Entry-Level Data Analyst with Python (PCED)

  • Covers: Foundational Data Analytics, Data Handling, Data Acquisition, Pre-processing, Validation & Data Preparation, Data Analysis, Modeling and Visualization.

  • Demonstrates: Ability to efficiently gather, clean, and validate data using Python, Data acquisition, data cleaning, and standardization techniques as well as foundational programming and database management skills, Statistical analysis and machine learning basics in Python, Usage of essential Python libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, and visualization tools like Matplotlib and Seaborn, to handle complex data sets, perform statistical analysis, and create impactful data visualizations.

The Certification along with preparations and formats can be referred to on the Python Institute Website.

Certified Associate Data Analyst with Python (PCAD)

  • Covers: Data Acquisition/Mining, Importing, Cleaning, Manipulation, Modeling, Statistical Analysis, Summarizing and Visualization Techniques, Predictive Modeling, Simple Machine Learning Algorithms.

  • Demonstrates: Decision-making under uncertainty, data-based decision-making, predictive modelling, Machine Learning Algorithms and model selection, usage of Python for file processing and performing programming operations with the use of the NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and SciKit-Learn libraries.

The Certification along with preparations and formats can be referred to on the Python Institute Website.

These Python certifications demonstrate a developer’s progression from basic to advanced skills, showcasing their expertise and commitment to the profession. They are an asset to the holder, especially for those keen to enter the tech services industry.